
More Testimonials


"The PHKA has been such an incredible experience! Julia is an absolute wealth of knowledge, encouragement, and positive energy. The community that I was introduced to through the Academy has been life changing and career igniting! In PT school I had no idea there was such a large population of students and clinicians like me that were interested in pelvic floor, but didn't know where to start. The Kickstarter Academy has not only armed me with the foundational knowledge for pelvic floor PT, it has also plugged me into an incredible group of like-minded individuals that I am excited to live and grow with well beyond the conclusion of this fantastic course. I can not recommend Julia and the Kickstarter Academy enough!

If you are a pre-PT, SPT, or entry level clinician interested in diving into the world of pelvic health, this course is for you!! There are several great introductory pelvic floor courses out there, but The Academy is a step above the others for several reasons. On top of the foundational didactic knowledge, you also are plugged in to a community of like-minded individuals to travel your path with you, you received top notch individualized mentoring, you have opportunities to interact with superstars in the world of pelvic health through live interview sessions, you get to plan for the future with pelvic health specific interview preparation... the list goes on!! And perhaps most importantly, you get all of this (6 weeks!!!) of material for a fraction of the price that you would elsewhere. If you are considering joining The Academy, I can guarantee it will not be a decision you regret!"

Cristina, PT Student


"This academy has really impacted my life so much. I didn’t really know much about the pelvic floor before I started the academy. I am a tech at a clinic and I didn’t even see patients come in with pelvic problems and I don’t even know that physical therapist can specialize in the pelvic floor. That’s how you know how much we need pelvic health PTs because there’s isn’t many!! I gained so much knowledge through this academy and I even shared my experience here with a physical therapist at the clinic I work in who’s interested in the pelvic floor !! Now I’m more aware of it and can even share my experience with others and try to get more pelvic health PTs out there! I also try not to take my pelvis for granted because it is so crucial!! Thank you so much Julia !!

[For anyone considering the Academy, I would say] that this will blow your mind!! And they would learn so much!! And be able to have someone to mentor them since students don’t have people to guide them and support them!"

Elizabeth, Pre-PT 


"This has been such an awesome experience - I can't stop telling people about it!

I know there are some students/clinicians out there who already know that pelvic health is their passion and are just looking to learn academic and clinical content to start practicing asap. I definitely wasn't in that boat; I didn't really know what pelvic health was and knew I wanted mentorship, guidance, and a community with resources.

Being part of the Pelvic Health Kickstarter Academy has empowered me with knowledge and confidence to take the next steps towards my dream career. Don't underestimate the power of mentorship and community! The Academy provides both of those things as well as academic content."

Michelle, PT Student


"The Academy has given me the opportunity to fall in love with physical therapy in another way. I love taking any chance I get to see how optimal health can be achieved in a patient & pelvic health has been everything I did not know I needed.

All the knowledge & insight from Julia & her guest speakers has made my experience in the academy very fulfilling & has left me with lasting impressions.

Do it! I was definitely on the fence because I am a college kid so the funds are low BUT it was well worth the money. Even past the money, at times I forgot I was in a course because Julia is so personable & makes you feel like way more than a typical student. The power calls, guest speakers, & copious amount of resources show just how much we matter to her. Sign up now!"

Michaela, Pre-PT


"The Kickstarter Academy has inspired me to dream big and take action toward my career goals. Through this course I have been exposed to a whole new community of pelvic health practitioners and made me realize how much I want to be one of them! I feel empowered! There is great information here on pelvic basics and career planning all led by an amazing mentor!   

I loved all this access to incredible women and their stories but I particularly loved the video on intro to the pelvic health eval because I could take pieces and translate it directly to my everyday practice in the ortho clinic I am currently in. “Make change today” makes me stop and think about what direct change I can make at eval and each visit after to allow the pt to walk away feeling like PT is helping even when they struggle to see their own progress. It helps them buy right into it all and keeps them motivated to come back and put in the effort. It keeps me from being stuck in a rut and going through the motions of basic exercises and blah blah blah. She also opened my eyes to a new way to structure and think through each impairment found on exam and pair it directly with treatment whether hands on, HEP or educational! I feel like I can better personalize an eval to my patient now rather than just trying to get through everything just from this new perspective.

I’ll add too that I now feel like my dreams of my own clinic/concierge practice are much more attainable because I have been exposed to a community of people I feel like I can reach out to for help who will empower me to keep going and guide me when I need it! "

Tori, New Grad PT


"I feel confident being able to screen for pelvic health dysfunction, and being able to provide a baseline education to my patients about pelvic health. I love the little book of resources so we can continue to learn! I have a bigger belief in my ability to pursue this field and make a difference educating people about these topics!"

Logan, PT Biz Owner


"Julia - You gave me confidence I didn't know I could achieve and I didn't know that I needed (kinda silly, but now that I have more confidence, I didn't realize how badly I needed it!). You opened up a world of opportunities for me, and for that I am forever grateful!

Take the plunge! The Kickstarter Academy gave me the confidence I didn't know I was lacking as a clinician. It helped me solidify my opinions of how physical therapy should be practiced, what I want my space to feel like for my patients, and the type of experience I think they deserve. Most importantly, it helped me open up an entirely new skill set to offer my patients the best care possible!"

Taylor, Physical Therapist


"I am a retired physical therapist. I know I helped a lot of patients but it seemed there was something missing, like a block, that I couldn’t get them past for a 100% recovery. After my exposure to the Kickstarter Academy, I now realize what the missing link was. With all this new knowledge in my toolbox, I wish I could go back and start over. I know I could be an even more effective physical therapist! Truly enjoyed all the information...such a treasure chest of knowledge!"

Pamela, Retired Ortho PT of 35 Years


"If you want to be a part of a community with continual support for your passions and dreams, this is the place for you. Additionally, the academy offers so many great resources that are hard to find otherwise. It is for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and fill the gaps in their education!

No matter if you are a pre-PT, SPT, or practicing clinician you will learn something and gain so much from this experience. It is not a one and done type of course, you will keep prospering from all the amazing things Julia and this community as to offer!

Thank you so much Julia for this great experience. I am very excited to continue on my journey to becoming a pelvic PT and feel confident I will land a residency because of the affirmation you have given me. I know 100% this is my calling in life and it feels really good to get to learn more and be apart of a community of people who get it.

I stumbled upon this course by some random flook and am so glad I did it. I can not wait to add this to my resume, take all this information with me to my clinical coming up (ortho/pelvic mix), and to use all the great resources you have given us to keep enhancing myself for the future.

Thanks again, Julia, you are one of the most kind hearted, hard working people I have ever met and I truly feel blessed that even during this crazy time that I was fortunate enough to continuing growing along side someone so wonderful. The world needs more people like you in it!"

Tashelle, PT Student


"I have gained more knowledge to become a more well rounded clinician in 2 years. This academy has given me more experience and knowledge in pelvic health than PT school has thus far.

You will not regret it. Take the jump and follow your passion!"

Morgan, PT Student


"Julia, you have given me the kick in the pants that I needed to do something bigger than myself and my current life bubble! This program confirmed that pelvic floor/health is something I want to integrate into my craft. I was most excited when learning the ortho/PF blend content and honestly was very interested to learn more about visceral mobilization. I recently got in contact with a small business lawyer to help me navigate my legalities as well as made a professional instagram, website, and research areas to start spreading the pelvic health message. I don't think I would have had the confidence to make moves if I did not discover this program!"

Victoria, Physical Therapist


"[The Academy] has helped me feel more confident in my evaluations and treatments and added more ther-ex tools to my tool box! If you are unsure if pelvic health is for you, this is a great introduction to figure out whether or not you want to adventure down this path!"

Amy, Physical Therapist


"I am now vastly more knowledgeable about the deep core system in a way that was never presented to me during my 20+ years of athletics and strength training

Absolutely worth the investment! Even if you are not someone who is in the medical or PT field, the information provided is invaluable for your every day life. Would also strongly encourage for athletes or fitness junkies!"

Cole, Lawyer + Fitness Enthusiast