From Zero To Concierge Pelvic Health PT

The ultimate guide to starting your own Concierge Pelvic Health Practice from a clinician who has done it and has led numerous Pelvic Health PTs in doing the same! 

I'm Ready To Begin

From Zero To Concierge Pelvic Health Practice

The ultimate guide to starting your own Concierge Pelvic Health Practice from a clinician who has done it and has led numerous Pelvic Health PTs in doing the same!  
I'm Ready To Begin

Before You Scroll Any Further, Please Take Note: You Are Worthy and Capable of Creating Your Dream Practice!


If your soul comes alive with the desire to bring quality pelvic healthcare services to clients in your community.....


If you desire to use your creativity to build and create a life and career that makes you feel fulfilled and eager to get up each morning....


If you long to regain autonomy over your time so you can spend time with your family and the people you love....


And if you dream of finding financial freedom doing something you love....


Then you already have within you everything you need to become a Concierge Pelvic Health PT Practice Owner! 


Well...ALMOST everything! The only thing you may be missing is direction, resources, guidance, and support along your journey from someone who has walked this path ahead of you. 


And that is EXACTLY where this course is designed to fill the gap! 


Scroll on to discover the road that numerous Pelvic Health PTs have followed in creating their own Concierge Practices!


The path is laid before you. Will you take the next step? 

Create Your Practice In 8 Weeks!

Week 1: Discovering Your WHY, Defining Your Core Values, and Creating Your Avatar 

- Determining your WHY

- Defining your Avatar (Ideal Client)

- Creating your Mission Statement 

Week 2: Creating The Client Experience, Charging For Services, and Designing Your Value Ladder

- Creating The Clinician - Client Experience

- Organizing Your Service Offerings

- Choosing Your Rates and Designing Your Value Ladder

- Creating Boundaries that Protect Your Vision and Your Energy

Week 3: Meeting and Marketing To Your Audience

- Turning your Facebook profile into your personal business card

- Harnessing the power of Facebook Groups 

- Transforming your Instagram profile into a lead generator

- Generate 8 weeks of social media content with our content generator

Week 4: Navigating Federal, State, and City Regulations to Set-Up Your Business

- Creating your business structure

- Forming an LLC

- Securing a Tax ID number, NPI number, and personal liability insurance

- Opening a business banking account and choose how you accept payment from clients 

Week 5: The Supplies to NEED to Start your Practice + Choosing Your EMR

- 'Must Have' supplies to start treating pelvic health clients 

- Vital pelvic health patient forms and clinic documentation

- Buying an EMR system vs creating your own via Google Workspace

- Pelvic Health Specific Functional Outcome Measures 

Week 6: Creating Marketing Products and Connecting with Like-Minded Community Members

- How building your referral community to help build your practice, build up the work of colleagues in your community who have a similar mission as you, and help ensure your clients are fully supported and surrounded by a an amazing wellness team

- Collaboration ideas and examples

- Creating your Big 45 List

Week 7: The Powerful Formula For Impactful Webinars + Workshops 

- How to create a webinar

- Tips on creating a workshop that is fun and converts clients

- How to sell without feeling "salesy"

Week 8: Understanding Insurance and Choosing Your Business Model

- Explore out of network, in network, cash PT, and hybrid business models to find the right fit for your practice

- Superbill creation in cash-based practices 

- Get clear answers on whether you can legally treat Medicare clients in your out of network business model 

Bonus Tools, Resources, and Support

- Downloadable workbook with 25+ worksheets, action lists, and journaling prompts that accompany each module

- Social media content generator

- Supply Starter Kit List with links to all of the products I use in my practice everyday

Webinar Template

- Documentation Templates:

- Consent to Treat Form

- Initial Intake Questionnaire

- Initial Evaluation

- SOAP Notes

- Progress Note

- SuperBill 

- PLUS more!

- "How To Sell Without Feeling "Salesy" Sales Master Class 

- Financial Wellness Workshop Recording with Dr. Amber Brown

- Introduction to Out-of-Network Billing Master Class with Dr. Joey Rosi

- Creating a Cash-Based Brick and Mortar Practice Interview with Dr. Erin Westner

- Your first consultation call with me - FREE

- Exclusive 40% Off Discount to own The Practice Igniter Social Media and Online Marketing Course (Designed by 11 experts in the field)

Meet Your Guide!

Hi, my name is Dr. Julia Smeltz and I believe the future of healthcare depends on bold and passionate Pelvic Health PTs like you stepping into their power and changing our world for the better!

Five years ago, I made the life-changing decision to leave my toxic, cooperate PT job for good and embark on a journey of entrepreneurship to bring Pelvic Health PT to the people I am passionate about serving in a way that makes me feel fulfilled and excited to get up each morning.

I started my Concierge Pelvic Health Practice in Chattanooga, TN where I provided pelvic floor rehab services to new moms in the comfort of their homes. Creating my own business brought me some key realizations:

- I was able to get my freedom back. No more begging to use my PTO or feeling guilt-tripped by a supervisor every time I needed a vacation or wanted to attend a family event. By having my own business, I set my own hours and schedule and could prioritize spending time with the people I love!

- I could earn more money. During my first week treating private clients, I realized that if I saw 2 private clients a day, I would earn just as much money as I was earning seeing 20 patients a day in my cooperate setting. *Mind Blown* When you own your own practice, there are ZERO ceilings on your earning capacity! 

- I could now practice PT in the way that resonated with my spirit. The care I was able to provide to clients within my private practice was the care I always believed they deserved.  60-90 minute 1:1 session, care that wasn't dictated by insurance reimbursements but by what my clients actually needed, total transparency with billing so my clients never received a surprise bill that they thought their insurance was covering, etc.

- I went from feeling intense burn-out to feeling alive, fulfilled and energized! I was using my creativity, exploring my passions, and changing lives in a way that brought me a sense of joy and purpose. 

In 2021 I moved back to my home state of Pennsylvania and opened up a Pelvic Health PT practice in a remodeled century-old Victorian home. Core 4 Healing and Wellness is now the premier Pelvic Healthcare destination in my community, with clients traveling upwards of 2 hours to experience our care. Core 4 offers in-clinic sessions, telehealth, and continues to stick to our roots by offering concierge mobile services for new moms in our community! We do things differently at Core 4, including 90 minute sessions and a music venue in our backyard! 

Starting my own practice was one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life (and if you know me, you know I've done all of the adrenaline racing experiences from skydiving to backpacking in Asia!), but it was also the most rewarding! My goal is to help anyone experiencing burnout, who feels a call to lean into their full potential, and who desires to serve their community in a more life-giving way, travel the path of entrepreneurship and create the life they have always imagined for themselves. 

Over the past 2 years, I have had the honor of guiding numerous Pelvic Health PTs in the creation of their practices. This course is the collection of the concepts, check-lists, action items, and resources that I wish I would have had when starting my own business and what I have used to guide other clinicians in starting their own practices! I am excited to be able to offer this course to anyone who dreams of more! I am in your corner cheering you on!

I'm Ready To Get Started

Downloadable Workbook Included!

This downloadable workbook includes:

- 25+ worksheets to organize your ideas and get your business plans down on paper

- Weekly action items  to help you stay on track and organize your time

- Encouraging quotes to keep you inspired and encouraged

Take a Sneak Peek!

Check Out a Sample Lesson From The Course

Get a glimpse of how information in presented in the course, along with the various tools and resources that are included in each weekly module, by diving into learning about Webinars and Workshops! This is part of the content included in Week 7 of the program. 


Glimpse A Few of The Included Downloadable Worksheets 

Visual and kinesthetic learners rejoice! Included worksheets are a great tool to help you organize your thoughts and get your ideas down on paper. The worksheets are designed to help you put into practice concepts that we discuss in the video lessons so you can start putting them into action.

Choose Your Own Pricing

If you feel called to take this course, then you should absolutely have it! Please feel free to choose the price that resonates most with you and for which you have means. No matter what price you choose, you get access to EVERYTHING the course has to offer!


  • Includes all 8 modules and bonus materials


  • Includes all 8 modules and bonus materials


  • Includes all 8 modules and bonus materials

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Emily B.

Mama Bear Fitness and Physical Therapy

You rock, Julia! I am so blessed that I found you! I was so disappointed and distraught with how quickly I began feeling burned out in the traditional PT world. You have inspired me to start my own mobile practice and be the Physical Therapist that I know I can be when I'm able to fully recharge and practice with autonomy. Thank you!

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!


I'm Ready to Begin